Advanced SEO Techniques That Boost Organic Traffic

Suppose you are looking at generating more organic traffic to your website and get it ranked higher in the search engine results. In that case, it is time that you explore ways to maximize the utility out of your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

By employing advanced SEO techniques, you can leverage your current SEO strategy and make it more efficient in improving the rankings of your website and help you to gain higher ROI.

It is estimated that around 3.5 billion searches are conducted daily using Google and that nearly 75 % of the users on Search Engines do not click past the first page of search engine results.

Hence it is imperative that your website appears on the first page of relevant searches and ranks higher on that page to gain more traction. However, with SEO being done for most of the websites, it is a challenging proposition to outrank the other competing sites.

As a leading SEO agency, we have identified and developed advanced SEO strategies that help to optimize your SEO operations and enable a higher rank of your website.

Here is our list of 8 latest advanced SEO techniques that can get the job done for you.

Optimizing your existing content

High-quality content is the foundation on which your SEO strategy is built. All the advanced SEO techniques and tricks that you intend to apply will come to naught if your website does not have optimal content. 

Conducting a site audit and identifying the content that is generating lower traffic and conversions for you is the first step towards optimizing your website. There is no need to start everything from scratch. You can leverage upon the initial effort spent on developing the existing content and tweak it to make the necessary changes that make your content more suited to rank higher on SERPs.

There are a few SEO techniques that you can apply to reoptimize your existing content.

–           Use Google Analytics to view organic traffic and conversions data.

–           Check for data related to impressions and clicks for the pages using Google Search Console.

–           Conduct Keyword Research in analyzing the traffic and rankings that they generate. 

Instead of scrutinizing the whole website, you can identify specific content to focus on by setting certain criteria. This could include – older content, the track record of conversions, content that is related to your services & products, etc.

You can go for immediate changes like updating and inserting new keywords, link building, title tag updates, etc. that would deliver quick results. You can then focus on more elaborate activities like rewriting and enhancing content.

Using LSI Keywords

Using LSI keywords is becoming one of the more popular advanced SEO techniques in 2020. Google and other search engines have evolved over the years, and it is safe to say that they have become more intelligent. 

Keywords have always played an essential role in SEO, and they continue to do so. However, the evolution of search engines means that they are reliant on only the keywords. They employ various parameters to identify if a particular online content is relevant to a specific search.

Therefore it is crucial to understand these parameters and develop the content accordingly so that your content ranks higher when someone is conducting a relevant search.

Latent Semantic Indexing is one such new-age parameters that Google uses. Using LSI, Google looks for related primary and secondary keywords in your content to develop a deeper understanding of it, before determining the relevancy of it to the search.

Using LSI keywords, you help search engine to understand your content better and thereby increase the impact of SEO to rank your content higher on SERPs.

Developing an Internal Linking process

Internal Linking helps the web crawlers to navigate your backlinks and index your website effectively. Not having internal linking in place might create blocks for the crawlers and effect the indexing.

Indexing your website is vital to appear higher in the search results, thereby generating more views, clicks, and traffic. This, in turn, translates to more revenue and higher ROI on your SEO efforts.

Internal Link Building is one of the recommended advanced SEO tips which can help in :

  • Enable passing of the link juice from higher authority pages to the ones on the lower end
  • Show relation between the pages, especially between older and newer ones.
  • Helps in the ranking of the pages

This process is a time consuming one, especially if you have a large website. But this advanced SEO technique is worth the effort. You can start with identifying the inbound links to your site, and more specifically to each of the pages. You can also make it a point to develop the internal links as part of the new content development activity. Focusing on using phrases as anchor texts can also help in internal link building and direct the crawlers effortlessly.

One needs to be careful with the relevancy of the links to escape from any Google penalty.

Mobile Optimization

People’s preferences to platforms and devices change over a while. The last decade saw a more significant portion of the population, making the switch to being online, increasing the emphasis to have a better online presence to attract more number of potential customers.

Currently, it is not about being online but also being mobile.

Over the past few years, mobile devices have become an indispensable tool for day to day functioning. Studies indicate that as much as 40 % of online transactions are happening through mobile devices.

Nearly 50 % of internet traffic comes through mobile devices. Hence it is prudent to develop a mobile-friendly website.

Google has come up with a mobile-first approach, which makes the crawlers to lay more emphasis on mobile sites while indexing.

It is one of the critical advanced SEO techniques to build a mobile-friendly website that is more responsive to online users on mobile devices.

Accelerating page speed

Enhancing the user experience has a more substantial influence on encouraging the visitors to your website to remain on the website for a longer time and to return frequently. The increased touchpoints have a direct correlation with higher chances of generating the business.

Having a website with higher speed and response enhances the user experience. As per estimates, users expect the website to be responsive within 2 seconds. Any lag on this increases the chances of losing out on the visitors, and they reach out to your competitor.

Furthermore, Google has made page speed as one of the ranking factors, making it one of the advanced SEO techniques for any SEO activity.

Research shows that improvement of speed by one second can help in boosting the conversions by 7 %.

A few of the quick fixes that you can look at to enhance your page speed include – optimizing the code, reducing the number of redirects, compressing the images, etc.

Direct targeting of the audience

A famous adage says that it is vital to pick your battles to win a war. With the competition that exists to attract more potential customers and convert such opportunities into more revenues, it is essential to filter the focus areas.

Rather than targeting a broad audience, identifying the right audience who are more likely to provide business and target them is a wise strategy.

Advanced SEO for 2020 needs to focus on funnelling efforts on social media marketing and other platforms to target the right audience.

SEO Genics is a leading digital marketing company, and we have observed the advantages and the positive results of having a targeted approach.

Using various techniques like writing blog posts, enlisting influencers, podcasts, adverts, content personalization, online reputation management, etc. can be done more effectively among the higher prospective audience.

Getting rid of thin content

Harking back on the need to optimize existing content, one of the advanced SEO techniques that are recommended by many of the SEO experts, is to doing away with thin content.

Thin content includes – reference content from other sites, pages with less content (less than 250 words), affiliate pages, duplicate content, etc.

During the initial setup of the website, such thin content might have helped to gain more traction. However, to further advance the visibility of your website, getting rid of the thin content is a better strategy. The reason is the emphasis that Google and other search engines lay on the quality and uniqueness of the content.

While having thin content might not attract a Google penalty, there are higher chances that the search engines do not rate your website better.

Conducting a site audit and identifying thin content can be an initial step towards doing away with such content. After reviewing the content, you can choose between either deleting it or enhancing it.

Getting rid of thin content

Significant link building can be an effective and advanced SEO technique as it has a crucial role in SEO. Links are one of the top-ranking factors used by Google and other search engines.

Simply put, a link reflects a sign of trust and an endorsement. As in the real world, more endorsement from trusted sources would help in enhancing your reputation. Therefore, links form a crucial part of your online reputation management.

Despite the immense amount of effort that goes in to identify links suited for your website, it is an activity that cannot be ignored.

By targeting dead links to competitor pages, you can streamline your process of link building. Through them, you can find blogs and sites that are of higher relevance to your website.

Using various SEO tools, you can identify such dead links on the competitor pages and reach out to them to gain references.

These are a few of the many advanced SEO techniques that are being used by SEO experts to increase the chances of your website to outwit the competition and rank higher on the SERPs. The key is to be abreast of the developments – both from a technical perspective where-in you keep track of the evolving search engine algorithms and criteria as well as to understand the preferences of the potential audience and enhance your website to make it more appealing to them.